Friday, January 28, 2011

Did you say Ear infection?

Well, I misunderstood the ENT last week when he saw some fluid in the left ear. It wasn't an ear infection... just some fluid he saw, but wanted her to take antibiotic. Anyways... a week later and a day after she was done with the antibiotic, Briana woke up with a temp. I called the ENT doc and he said it might be a virus, but would be best to take a look.

To my suprise, she has an ear infection in the Right ear and the fluid in the left ear looks the same w/some dilated blood vessels. The tube in the right ear is coming out and obviously not working anymore. He said that this is not a good sign at all to develop an ear infection while on antibiotic. He then mentioned she was resistent to that one and placed her on another strong antibiotic. He also told me that we might not get through the winter without getting tubes again!! Her fever went up to 103 last evening and back to 102 this morning. We're down to 97 this evening thankfully, so hopefully the antibiotic is working.

So glad I took her in, as we're planning to travel next week back to Illinois for Jenean's wedding.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Briana's ENT check

Well, I was being hopeful when we went today for Briana's ear check. Her left ear has always been the worst of the two. The tube is out and the eardrum healed closed in the left ear. Thankful for that! It was noted back in November at the ped's office, that it was already "falling" out at that time and not doing anything anymore. The right ear tube is on it's way out.

Anyway, the ENT doctor saw that there was some fluid in her left ear = small/minor ear infection. He said that this is the first "test" since her tube fell out, and since she currently has a cold, it could be from that and possibly clear up (with antibiotic) with no further problems. Plus, it's more common at this time of the year to get an ear infection w/colds. He mentioned that 15% of kids need tubes again. So, because of her history, he wants to watch her carefully to see if this will turn into something or not.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Taking turns

Well I was hoping to do a little more updating to catch up but, we're all sick over here...
The girls were sick last week with a 24 hour fever, and Briana got a pretty bad cold. Still coughing and sniffles and Alayna doing fine ~ but now with a little cough and sniffles. Scott got sick earlier this week ~ cold symptoms, and now Elliott and myself. Elliott's been up the last 2 nights almost constantly, with coughing, sneezing, congestion, crying, can't breathe well, pretty much miserable poor little guy but no fever, thankfully. Plus, he's not eating as well either, and I'm trying to give him alittle something every so often so he doesn't get dehydrated. He takes apple juice w/water better than his milk. It sure is scary when babies get sick. I just hope it doesn't get worse. SO thankful when they're healthy!

So why is it when you're sick and feeling miserable everything around you seems to be worse? Every room I go into seems to be upside-down and out of sorts! Maybe it's my house and my phase in life ~ plus new baby?!? As my dad always says..."and this too shall pass"

We can always count our blessings regardless of our circumstances. 90% of the time we can't change it. So let's make the best of it! Thankful for friends and family that pray.

"Til next time...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yes, We had a little Boy!!!

14 hours old

1 day old

Although all of you already know, I still wanted to get this posted. I know, it's about time.

We are so thankful and excited to welcome into our home, Elliott Chase Schambach. He was born 1 day before Thanksgiving ~ November 24, 2010 @ 4:59 a.m.. He now shares a birthday with his cousin Sarah Schambach (Jason and Karen's). He weighed in at 9 pounds and 14 ounces (which took me by surprise) and 21 inches long. Little to none as far as hair goes, with a reddish tint like big sis Alayna.

We're thankful all went well with the delivery and hospital stay. However, he did get jaundice and needed to use the bili-blanket when we arrived home. So we had a little glow-worm for the first 3 days.

Some of you may have already seen these pix, and there's a be prepared. They're of the hospital stay.

13 hours old

Seconds after walking into my hospital room.
Briana already pointing things out and wants to we go

Alayna wanted to hold him first thing after coming into my room...
and here she is absolutely thrilled ~ the day has finally come after much anticipation

Briana getting ready to kiss him on the head

Alayna (and Briana copying Alayna) kept saying
"hold her, hold her" "she awake, she sleeping? etc."
Needless to say, we had to correct her constantly teaching her
"he and him" and he's a boy.
It takes time, since all she was used to was ~ she & her ~

Our first family picture of five!!

I know, I know, we look a little tired. That goes along with the territory, right?

Going home
(you can see how yellow his skin color looks in these pictures due to the jaundice)

We didn't get too many going home pictures as Scott and the girls were in the car with it raining pouring outside, so we were wheeled downstairs and found them waiting for me at the door.
Well, to be continued...