Friday, January 28, 2011

Did you say Ear infection?

Well, I misunderstood the ENT last week when he saw some fluid in the left ear. It wasn't an ear infection... just some fluid he saw, but wanted her to take antibiotic. Anyways... a week later and a day after she was done with the antibiotic, Briana woke up with a temp. I called the ENT doc and he said it might be a virus, but would be best to take a look.

To my suprise, she has an ear infection in the Right ear and the fluid in the left ear looks the same w/some dilated blood vessels. The tube in the right ear is coming out and obviously not working anymore. He said that this is not a good sign at all to develop an ear infection while on antibiotic. He then mentioned she was resistent to that one and placed her on another strong antibiotic. He also told me that we might not get through the winter without getting tubes again!! Her fever went up to 103 last evening and back to 102 this morning. We're down to 97 this evening thankfully, so hopefully the antibiotic is working.

So glad I took her in, as we're planning to travel next week back to Illinois for Jenean's wedding.


Anonymous said...

so good to see pictures of the girls, Briana's pic is so funny.
Get well right away, can't wait to see you all soon.
Love & Kisses from Grandma S.

Penny said...

Cute picture. Hope she if feeling better and you have a great weekend.