Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yes, We had a little Boy!!!

14 hours old

1 day old

Although all of you already know, I still wanted to get this posted. I know, it's about time.

We are so thankful and excited to welcome into our home, Elliott Chase Schambach. He was born 1 day before Thanksgiving ~ November 24, 2010 @ 4:59 a.m.. He now shares a birthday with his cousin Sarah Schambach (Jason and Karen's). He weighed in at 9 pounds and 14 ounces (which took me by surprise) and 21 inches long. Little to none as far as hair goes, with a reddish tint like big sis Alayna.

We're thankful all went well with the delivery and hospital stay. However, he did get jaundice and needed to use the bili-blanket when we arrived home. So we had a little glow-worm for the first 3 days.

Some of you may have already seen these pix, and there's a bunch...so be prepared. They're of the hospital stay.

13 hours old

Seconds after walking into my hospital room.
Briana already pointing things out and wants to touch...here we go

Alayna wanted to hold him first thing after coming into my room...
and here she is absolutely thrilled ~ the day has finally come after much anticipation

Briana getting ready to kiss him on the head

Alayna (and Briana copying Alayna) kept saying
"hold her, hold her" "she awake, she sleeping? etc."
Needless to say, we had to correct her constantly teaching her
"he and him" and he's a boy.
It takes time, since all she was used to was ~ she & her ~

Our first family picture of five!!

I know, I know, we look a little tired. That goes along with the territory, right?

Going home
(you can see how yellow his skin color looks in these pictures due to the jaundice)

We didn't get too many going home pictures as Scott and the girls were in the car with it raining pouring outside, so we were wheeled downstairs and found them waiting for me at the door.
Well, to be continued...


Anonymous said...

Seeing your pictures make me lonesome, big kiss to the girls and Elliott. Love you all,
Grandma S

Katlin Schambach said...

adorable pics of you and you family. i miss you all so much!!!

Katlin Schambach said...

i want kids as cute as yours