Things they say...8/19/2010

8/19/2010 This is more for me than anything ~ as it's so easy to forget the little things they say. I will write as I remember.

Briana at 15 months is a little talker and very expressive...(at least I understand her) But it's amazing the things she says and picks up. She gets her point across, eventhough not in sentences yet.

B: screams "MAMA!!" "What?" "fly!" and then runs over by the fridge and points to the fly swatter for me to get it. 15m

B: screams "MAMA!!" "What?" "airpane" and points up to the sky! If I don't acknowledge her, she will keep screaming MAMA until I respond. 15m

B: screams "MAMA!!" while looking in a book. "What?" and screams "BALL" or "APPLE" will be her reply as she points to the object. 15m

Driving around town, random expressions of WOW! or WOA! come from Briana's little mouth.

Alayna loves to look for "water mountains" whenever we're out driving. 2.5

Lately Alayna is my backseat driver...Several times we've been sitting at a red light and she says "go!" I tell her I can't until it's green!

Alayna has been in a "I don't like/I don't want" phase. However, I think this is a bit strange... we've had a few random times where she says "I don't want my chin!" and starts trying to pull her chin off, or "I don't want my arm...hand..." and does the same thing. She even starts getting sad about it. 2.5

We were eating lunch one afternoon and Alayna for whatever reason says "Mamma, NO!!" and then Briana instantly chimes in, "Mamma, NO!" What a little copy cat.

8/22/10 Alayna asks Briana "What does a doggy say?" Briana says "Moo" Alayna says, "No! Ruff, ruff"

Alayna says randomly "mommy, you look funny" Don't know where she got that one from.

8/27 ~ now I do (in reference to the above line) we re-read a book that made that comment "you look funny" talking about a pig that wanted to look like his friend rabbit and vice versa.  She opened that book yesterday, and said "you look funny" ~ a photographic memory

Alayna says "Bonna! Don't have attitude"

11/9 Briana is now starting to talk with 3 words as she stated to me the other night, "I do it" wanting to zip up her sleeper by herself.  She just about repeats every word you tell her, literally.  And Alayna is a good teacher telling her to say this and that ~ it's amazing how much they can learn, especially from older siblings.  I  also think she is exposed to a lot more things than Alayna was at her age helps with her learning and talking.  That's the way it goes, I guess!