Saturday, January 15, 2011

Taking turns

Well I was hoping to do a little more updating to catch up but, we're all sick over here...
The girls were sick last week with a 24 hour fever, and Briana got a pretty bad cold. Still coughing and sniffles and Alayna doing fine ~ but now with a little cough and sniffles. Scott got sick earlier this week ~ cold symptoms, and now Elliott and myself. Elliott's been up the last 2 nights almost constantly, with coughing, sneezing, congestion, crying, can't breathe well, pretty much miserable poor little guy but no fever, thankfully. Plus, he's not eating as well either, and I'm trying to give him alittle something every so often so he doesn't get dehydrated. He takes apple juice w/water better than his milk. It sure is scary when babies get sick. I just hope it doesn't get worse. SO thankful when they're healthy!

So why is it when you're sick and feeling miserable everything around you seems to be worse? Every room I go into seems to be upside-down and out of sorts! Maybe it's my house and my phase in life ~ plus new baby?!? As my dad always says..."and this too shall pass"

We can always count our blessings regardless of our circumstances. 90% of the time we can't change it. So let's make the best of it! Thankful for friends and family that pray.

"Til next time...


Penny said...

Loved your updates. Time for me to get back into it, too. So thankful you have a little boy. We love them!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a need for grandma to come. Wish we were closer. But if you lived closer it would mean coming to shower after shower.
Miss you all
Love Mom S

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are all sick. Both of us got sick too with colds and stomach bugs. Slowly getting better. So happy to check out your updates and the cute pictures. Makes me miss my little ones...give them all a kiss and hug from U. Art and A. Joy. I can't wait to see Elliott sometime and see the girls again! Love you all!! Joy