Things they say 12/10-1/11

I ask Briana where her paci, blankie, or whatever it is we're looking for  is ~ and her reply lately is "ummmm, don'no"20mo

Alayna wakes up in the morning and says "I sleep good mama"3yr

Alayna and Briana are using their manners very well.  Briana accidentially hit my hand and said "sorry mama" and they go back and forth with each other saying, "thank you, welcome, excuse me, sorry nayna, or sorry briana" 

Alayna such an abbreviator these days:  "poc = pocket, pret = pretzle, bot = bottom, kye = kyle, El = Elliott, mon = monkey, there's more but I can't think of them right now.3yr  "nayne, and bon and el and mom!"

Briana sings so many songs, it's unbelieveable.  She can sing Twinkle Twinkle little Star, with only a few words stays on tune pretty well. 20-21m