Things they say 1/2012

It takes the girls about an hour or so to settle down for the night ~ from laughing, singing, crying, shouting, calling for gets pretty tiresome after awhile.  So last night, after many calls for mom, Briana calls for me once again and in a distraught voice says "Alayna's touching my hair" (what little she has) "and now it's all messy!!" hmm...more times than not, it usually is messy and she usually doesn't keep anything in it too long.  So what's the big deal?  1/18
The bathsoap was in the baby bathtub, and later I then noticed that it was on the floor.  I asked how it got out of the bathtub...and Briana answers "It came out all by itself" 1/15
The girls asked me today Briana first "How does the baby come out?" 1/19  I said, 'Well, I go to the hospital, and the baby comes out"  That seemed to answer that for now.
When I ask Alayna something, her answer a lot of times is "um, let me check?" or  they both say "um, sure"
"I can do it all by myself" both girls say.
When the girls play on the phone, they say, "hello schambach's"  And alayna says "a-m-b-a-c-h, Hope" they must hear me spell my name on the phone a time or 2
They love to play chruch on the steps and sing.  Alayna was running around a few weeks ago (Dec) saying "greetings sister" to briana.  And one time when the 2 were together, they stand up and say let' pray, and Briana say, "Our heavenly Father"  and I look at them, and they stop and we laugh.
Alayna "I want to tell you a skeet-rhet" in my ear.
Briana says, "I thought you went to the doctor" after she found me in the basement ironing early in the morning before anyone was awake.