Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Briana's ENT check

Well, I was being hopeful when we went today for Briana's ear check. Her left ear has always been the worst of the two. The tube is out and the eardrum healed closed in the left ear. Thankful for that! It was noted back in November at the ped's office, that it was already "falling" out at that time and not doing anything anymore. The right ear tube is on it's way out.

Anyway, the ENT doctor saw that there was some fluid in her left ear = small/minor ear infection. He said that this is the first "test" since her tube fell out, and since she currently has a cold, it could be from that and possibly clear up (with antibiotic) with no further problems. Plus, it's more common at this time of the year to get an ear infection w/colds. He mentioned that 15% of kids need tubes again. So, because of her history, he wants to watch her carefully to see if this will turn into something or not.

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