Friday, April 8, 2011

A different pix. . .to look at

Although behind again, I am overdue to put some newer pix on ~ per special request. These are random and in no specific order. I will be updating more in the future.

Most of these pix were taken in Jan. A few were in Nov. with the girls in winter dresses.

Getting to know you!

Wanting a turn to hold Elliott

I don't know where Alayna got the idea to put her hand out in pictures, lately.

I think Elliott has outgrown this outfit ~ or maybe he just ate!

Alayna loves to give him kisses and lay next to him

It's fun to see him start noticing things ~ and reacting to it

Starting to notice his fist

We ALL need to go under the gym. Thankfully there's still enough room

So photogenic ~ Briana gives it her all!

Silly hat day!

My brownie helpers

You will tell in the video that I didn't want them to double dip the beaters back into the bowl ~ as we were making these for company. Oh well, obviously nobody died.

~ Until next time ~


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting new pictures
It makes me miss them more
Love you lots
Grandma S

Katlin Schambach said...

awesome brownie helpers