Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Officially Potty trained

Potty training has been an absolute breeze with Alayna. Even though "accidents" were rare after the first several weeks when we started in January ~ (and usually dry EVEN at night right from the beginning) I still wore pull-ups on her at night, if we were out doing errands, or traveling~although she technically didn't need them, mom wanted a safety guard just in case for that one time. Then, for the last few months, she has been only wearing pull-ups at night ~ with only very very rarely being wet in the morning. But the last month or so she has been fighting me to not wear them to bed. I was a little apprehensive, but eventually gave in to "no pull-up panties to bed". My big girl, just got bigger. She also did really well last year when we transitioned her to her big girl bed and weaned the pacifier. She is setting a very high standard, I know. And, I know they won't all be the same. I can already see that with Briana. But, no need to compare. I'm just glad that so far, at least she has been fairly easy...as far as those things go...And who knows, maybe the others will follow their big sister's lead!

BTW: One of my friends from church said potty trained is when they don't wear anymore pull-ups! I guess I didn't know that.

p.s. note the curly hair! I had it half up in a ponytail, but those ringlets seem to bounce right out! It seems to be getting curlier and curlier. It's fun and not much to fuss with...just trying to keep her still!!! It gets messy pretty quick, though. My mom wanted me to post some pix of her hair. I might do that in the future as I got a few pix together.

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