Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Easter and dinner at the Banks' Farm

I know I posted some of these pictures earlier...but thought to include some in my "Easter" post.

They'd rather look at eachother than mom and the camera.


Scott ended up working on Easter...and the girls and I got invited to go up to the Banks' after church for Easter supper with their whole family. There were a lot of little kids there, so Alayna enjoyed spending time with them. I think this was the first time she was on a real farm walking around in a real barn ~ getting the true experience ~ "fragrance" and all! (other than Columbus Zoo ~ but I don't think that counts.)

There was a cow that got loose, so off the men went. This is also what we rode to get over to the barn.

Larry told me he wanted to show me their "pony". It was only about 7ft.? tall!!

Alayna inside the barn on top of a lot of hay bales, with church friends. The children loved running around on the hay

Baby kittens 1-2 days old

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