Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bumps and bruises - Ouch!

~ 5 days before we leave for my sister's wedding~
Sunday, June 6th was a day filled with bumps, bruises and tears.

Briana wakes up Sunday morning with something on her right side. Didn't know what it was, but some that had looked at it thought it was a spider bite?!? However, as the days went by, and it seemed to heal and scabbed over, which looked like a burn. We have No idea what or how it happened. I am not good and identifying things like that, so if you think it looks like something familiar, let me know.

Sunday night after dinner, Alayna decides she wants to kiss her balloon in the kitchen... and after I hear "Nayna kiss it" I hear "pop" (the balloon) then "thud" Alayna's face on the floor. She leaned over to kiss it, and ended up popping it with her teeth and hit our wooden floor...biting her bottom lip, etc...

Later that evening... we had some family night where we all spent some time together. Scott pulled out his guitar, and was playing along as I played the piano (that we're storing for friends). Briana was on the floor next to me and she either bent over to pick something up and hit the piano bench, or she fell down and hit the piano bench. (she just started walking 1 week or so before) It instantly swelled and there was a tiny puncture ~ that bled a little. Thankfully, the eye was unharmed and no stitches were needed. But, boy it looked pretty bad.

Things sure do happen so quickly. Thankful the Lord is watching out for them ALL the time ~ and their care and keeping are in His hands.

I'll post some pix of my sister's wedding soon...however I didn't get as many as I wanted since things were quite busy, and my camera man was looking out for our 2 little ones! But I can share some.

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