Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Schambach visit with Hailey

In March, we took Dad and Mom Schambach's offer to come babysit for us, while they sent us downtown for dinner and overnight...

...for our 4th Anniversary.

Alayna was so excited to have cousin Hailey (almost 4, Matt & Renee's) come visit too.

It was cute to see them play and do things together. And Hailey was willing to show how things should be done.

Hailey really enjoyed feeding Briana a bottle. A real baby doll!

Hailey, Briana and Grandpa

I just love the way this pix turned out. However, Scott didn't like that I cut off dad's head. Sorry Dad.

Hailey, Grandma and Alayna

The girls sure kept busy with Grandpa and Grandma

and even took some walks around the neighborhood

and to the nearby park.

Hailey's birthday was the following week, so we celebrated with a little cake and ice cream. Not at all close to Renee's expertise, but we still ate it. Don't laugh, it was the thought that counted!

Ready for bed...the hardest part of the day. too! (there's that smile again!)

Thanks Dad and Mom and Hailey for coming out...We enjoyed your visit and our time away!

1 comment:

Katlin Schambach said...

i wish i was there tooo!!!!!!