Thursday, June 24, 2010

My little helpers...

...Um, part of the time ~ at least as far as Alayna is concerned. Now, Briana...just exploring and, well... in training!?!

Alayna is actually a pretty good helper, when she is willing. She does like to set my table with plates, cups and silverware...and does a pretty good job for a 2 year old. She knows where things are placed for the most part. She loves to find stuff for me and will go around looking for things too that we're "missing" or lost, following with a phase like "Nayna find it". She's rather proud and excited when she does find stuff. Last night, her and Briana helped pick up puzzle pieces and put them in the box. Briana is in that stage now where she likes to put things in purses, bags, boxes or whatever. They really worked together. It was neat to see.

The dw and Briana is like what honey is to bees.
It sends her coming every time, whether clean, dirty or empty!
Even though she tries, no, she is not allowed to stand on my dw door. I caught her red-handed!

Alayna loves to help with putting away silverware. When I wear an apron, she needs to wear one too. So I have to alter one of mine "a little" to fit her.

Now that she is more familiar where things go, she teases me and puts things in different places and asks me "here?" knowing she is choosing the wrong places on purpose.
She does love to help me cook in the kitchen too. Which does not always go well for the both of us. But, she is so ready to tell daddy when he walks in the room that "Nayna help momma!"

She loves to make brownies or cookies with me and/or daddy...and wants a taste and lick the beaters. Where did she ever learn that one?


standish said...

Hi Hope,
Your girls are too cute!!! I love the one of Briana in the dishwasher. I have a picture of Ashton doing the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

Your little helper looks like, not too much help and a accident waiting to happen. Where is grandma? Enjoyed your pictures of girls. Miss you all
Love Mom S.

Norman Stahl said...

I'm glad you responded to Penny's blog. I'm enjoying catching up on your growing little family. Love to see you sometime.
Cute little girls! I'm sure you make a great Mom!
Love Gloria