Thursday, May 27, 2010

Briana's 1st BD & family visits Part II

Party #3 (Nenadov's) ~ just about had enough! But what a trooper!
I must mention that days before our trip, Briana had another ear infection, and her pediatrician decided to give her 3 antibiotic injections instead of oral med. (which was not working) ~ so she wasn't quite herself totally, but seemed good enough to travel, etc.

Cake #3 ~ I was pretty impressed considering it was a phone order. However, the pick-up/delivery guy kinda smashed the right side. Oh well, it still tasted the same.

She got a little personalized cupcake, that she eventually dug into.

Time for some presents!

Thanks Grandma, for my duckie! (too bad it can't go in the bathtub!)

Grandma and Alayna

Mom couldn't believe that David (the oldest grandchild) had passed her up in height. David will be 13 next month.

Briana, my sister Joy, and her fiance' Art Kellenberger. Lord willing, Art and Joy will be married June 13th.

2 out of 3 with their eyes closed, I always have to be different. Note: newest little niece, Seylah Joy (Sam & Sherri's)

Grandpa and the newest little grandson Jadon Philip (Philip and Donna's)

Sherri, Skyler, Shae, Larissa and Laura (top R)

Back at Grandpa & Grandma's
1. Daddy playing peek-a-boo with Briana

2. There you...

3. ARE

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