Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Briana's 1st BD & family visits Part I

We were able to go home to visit our families in Illinois for a week at the end of April, and celebrated Briana's 1st Birthday with each side, making it 3 birthday parties. Needless to say, I was tired of Birthday cake by the time we went home. We had our own little party at home first, which seemed to go the best, and as you'll see she didn't do too well with the other 2 parties.

I bought these balloons the day before our little party at home, and the next morning they were flat. She loved playing with them though. I ended up getting a different type.

Cake # 1 ~ Not exactly what I wanted/ordered, but it's what I got!

She was ready to dig in...Scott had to hold her back

Just getting started!

She slowed down after a while...I think the sugar finally got to her, and she had enough!

By the time we were done, there was frosting everywhere, and the frosting became an army green color, thanks to Briana's mixing job.

To Grandmother's house we go! She does love her sunglasses ~ and of course, Baba!

We enjoyed a few relaxing days with dad and mom Schambach ~ with no schedule and no rushing around, except keeping busy at their place.

Dad and Mom have a rather large retention pond right next to them ~ that has really become a relaxing peaceful spot to enjoy. You can see part of it in one of the pix below.

Scott kept himself and Alayna busy with boat rides ~ driving the little boat around...

and getting themselves completely drenched from the waist down. "Nayna all wet" she said.

The wobbly John Boat! Had to try it out, but I'll take something a little bit more stable, thank you.

The girls loved playing outside with Grandma ~ and going for fun rides

It was hard to get her to sit down!

Some QT with Grandpa

Bed time in Grandma's tried and true crib

This was a first! She wanted to go to bed with her sunglasses and of course "Baba". So I come back and check on her ~ and this is what I found! I knew she loved her sunglasses, but really!

Birthday Party #2

Not overly enthused ~ and not gonna pretend!

Cake #2 ~ Exactly what I wanted, Thanks Renee. Great Job!!

And a little personalized one for the Birthday Girl!

A very captivated audience

She barely touched it

Time to open presents

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for my fun book!

Time to play with presents

Grandpa and Hailey

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