Monday, May 24, 2010

The girls keep growing regardless...

...if I post or not! Okay Penny, you motivated me! I found some time to sit down ~ I know I am so overdue to update ~ and there's a lot I would like to post. At this point, I just thought to at least update some general pictures and news. And then a few event pictures soon!

YES ~ We're having another baby!!! Lord willing coming in November. Due Nov. 21st. However I was overdue 1 week with the girls, so I am not holding my breath on this one! I am feeling really good. Not sick at all ~ so I am VERY thankful.

Briana Turned 1 April 8th. Just the last few days she started taking several steps at a time and stands up in the middle of the room and tries to step. Alayna thinks it's funny ~ "Momma, Bonna walkin'!"

Briana got ear tubes 1 1/2 weeks ago. She has had 4-5 ear infections since January, and another one right before the surgery. It's been a roller coaster with doctors, fussiness, fevers, antibiotics,
staying home from church, lack of sleeping and lack of eating for the past 4 months.
She seems to be doing a lot better already. And happier.
I thought she babbled before... but the screeches are back!
We are looking forward to better days and nights. However, teething is still in full bloom! That's the way it goes, Right? If it's not one thing, it's another. We are so thankful when they are healthy!!! Makes a world of difference.

Alayna 2.5 a big/little talker and as curly as ever. She literally wakes up with ringlets bouncing in her face in the morning! Scott asked me if she will like her curly hair when she's older. I told him, probably not, as how it usually goes ~ everyone that has curly hair wants straight and everyone that has straight hair wants curly!! She says some of the cutest things right now, I really should start writing them down. She currently likes to say to Briana "Hey missie" or "Hey miss" and follows with a command or comment! She must have heard mommy say it a few times! She is a little mommy and boss to Briana telling her all sorts of things. I think Briana will be holding her own shortly.

Okay, enough of the are some pictures!
FYI: Some of these pix may be a few months back.

Alayna with her famous "baba" bunny ~ still her favorite!

I really like this one ~ don't know what it is

She used to smile like that for a few months

Laundry basket rides! They don't last long, because mom doesn't! Note the hair ~ the one with, and the one without!

She loves this chair. Her and Alayna fight over it now.

There's that smile again! Daddy likes to put her in and Alayna like to dump her out!

Our mobile 10 month old

1 comment:

Penny said...

Welcome back! Amazing how much your girls have grown. Loved the update.