Thursday, October 21, 2010


Behind again, but thought to get some different pix up here. They're a little older, but wanted to put them on anyway.
I have a bunch of things to post as we've been keeping busy the last few months.

~ Alayna's 3rd Birthday
~ camping
~ growing kids and tummy
~ misc

4 weeks and 3 days to go until baby #3 ~ getting that nesting syndrome right now and want to clean out and organize EVERYTHING!!!!

Thankful everyone is healthy... God bless!

After laying Alayna down for a nap, I walked in her room to get something and saw her reading a book. After noticing she didn't stir from me coming in, I took and closer look...

... and found she fell asleep holding her book upside-down!

One thing daddy loves to do is put his little girlies up on Mr. Elk for a "ride"

I get a little nervous when he puts both of them up there at the same time.
He actually took them down fairly quickly, as he mentioned it might be too
much for both of them to be up there.

Caught Briana with a babydoll's pacifier in her mouth.

She was pretty possessive of it too.

My little helpers. They love the vacuum.

Alayna teaching Briana how to cook and stir food.

Once I brought up the play kitchen from the basement,
they seem to play with it a lot more

Briana trying to talk on the phone, cook and taste test all at the same time.
I wonder where she gets that from.

She keeps busy, that's for sure

A few videos below... Hopefully you can open them. The first is catching Alayna "reading" out loud from a little Bible. However, it didn't last too long as she caught me recording her and she wanted to "see".

The second is of Briana "cooking" and talking on the phone saying "hi" to grandma. These videos are some months old. Oh well, I try to capture some things, but still try to enjoy them and the special moments with them.

I couldn't get the second one to upload. Maybe I'll try another time.


Penny said...

They look like they love each other a lot!! Great pics.

Hope said...

They're playing a lot better together lately (which I am thankful for)~ but we still have our trying times.