Thursday, October 28, 2010

Alayna's 3rd Birthday

Our little girl is growing up! 3 years old already! We had a little birthday party Sunday night before we left for our camping trip in the morning. With that being said, mom didn't bake a cake...but the store bought cupcakes went over great in a pinch.

She had no problem helping herself and digging in.

Although this pix is a little blurry, I love both of their expressions
~ especially Briana's

Below is a video of her "Happy Birthday" song... If you can stand to hear the two sorry voices singing it. It's a little over 1 minute long so you might get bored. Hopefully Grandmas will enjoy it. Briana watched on with delight and did very well sitting taking it all in. We think Alayna sucked in the candle flames instead of blowing them out as there was a delay after she blew on them !?!?


Penny said...

Sweet! Happy Birthday Alayna!

Unknown said...

Nice video! Seems like nobody can fill the space of family on this day for her. My daughter's birthday last year was celebrated in the garden area of event space suggested by my colleague. Kids enjoyed a lot having fries, pizzas, hamburgers and soft drinks. Bought multi pack of chocolates as return gifts for them. Cake design was magnificent.