Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tunnel Boxes

When Scott's Dad and Mom came out in November, they brought a ton of water heater boxes with them. His dad made a huge tunnel in our basement that is probably 50 feet long. He streamed Christmas lights in it so that they could see inside. I'll have to take a pix of what it looks like from the outside and post it. It's pretty neat. The kids love it. I have not been in it except for a small part to get Elliott to come out. There are some tight corners. Scott goes in with Elliott. I don't let him go in there if Scott isn't home. Not sure I would be able to get him out! They also take their mini flashlights with them so they can see when the lights are out.

This is what it looks like from the inside:

Thanks Grandpa...We're still enjoying it!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Glad they are still enjoying the boxes love the pictures and kids