Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tunnel Boxes

When Scott's Dad and Mom came out in November, they brought a ton of water heater boxes with them. His dad made a huge tunnel in our basement that is probably 50 feet long. He streamed Christmas lights in it so that they could see inside. I'll have to take a pix of what it looks like from the outside and post it. It's pretty neat. The kids love it. I have not been in it except for a small part to get Elliott to come out. There are some tight corners. Scott goes in with Elliott. I don't let him go in there if Scott isn't home. Not sure I would be able to get him out! They also take their mini flashlights with them so they can see when the lights are out.

This is what it looks like from the inside:

Thanks Grandpa...We're still enjoying it!

Schambach's reflecting of God perfecting ~ 2011

This picture is a little blurry, but I really like the way it turned out
Here's an (incomplete) recap of 2011 for us

We’re thankful God saw us through the year’s end…
Happy New Year blessings to all we do send!

Scott still loves to fly high up in the skies…
He wishes his wife would make him more pies!

We’re thankful for his job, though he can be gone for days…
There’s much to do when he comes home and stays

Hope runs her own “daycare” with 4 tots in tow...
Must we say more? She’s always on the go!

From children, those errands and household chores…
“A Pie?” she says, “There’s one at the store!”

I know what you’re thinking, they’re not really great…
He’ll get one at times, if he’s willing to wait

Alayna broke her arm before she turned 4…
that silly little monkey was found flat on the floor

You guessed it right, she fell off the bed…
We thought that story was ingrained in her head!

Briana, our talker has so much to say…
whether church, toys or dolls, there’s so much to play

Our girls love to sing and play together…
Elliott, poor guy is already a bother!

They shout “Come get Elliott, he’s getting in our stuff!”…
then they run away, all in a huff!

Elliott’s our tenderhearted/sleepy-eyed boy…
Thanks to his 1st birthday, “NO More Girl Toys!”

He’ll smile when just a few words are said…
but then you’ll find him quickly turning his head

He loves his little brother; it’s actually kind of funny…
so often we’ll find him lying on baby’s tummy

We welcome new life within our home…
On October 21st, Dominic Wade was born

He’s a really good baby, we cannot complain…
we have been blest, the rest were the same

He’s “LOVED” by all; he’s “SURVIVING” quite well…
if you take time to ask a story he’ll tell…

“…Alayna picks me up, Briana swings me too fast…
and Elliott hits me on the head, he thinks it’s such a blast…

My mom comes quick to rescue me, I’m glad she is so near…
my siblings running all around, seem to have no fear”

However we’ve come to celebrate the one…
that gives us Salvation, Jesus, God’s Son

We’re thankful for new birth; within a forgiven heart…
We pray each one would make a humble start

Then pressing onward in the journey at hand…
striving to reach that heavenly land

We truly are blest, what more can we say…
The Lord gives us strength to face each new day

There sure is much more that can be said…
But you’re probably tired, after all that you’ve read

We’re thankful for God’s abundant mercy and grace…
We trust he’ll provide through all you will face

We’re thankful for our church, our family and friends…
May the Lord watch between us until we meet again.

Scott & Hope Schambach…
with added blessings: Alayna ~ Briana ~ Elliott ~ Dominic

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dominic Wade

There's so much to catch up on but we wanted to introduce our newest little guy...Dominic Wade. He was born on October 21, 2011 weighing 9 pounds 11 ounces. I have no new baby pictures on my computer at this time (they were taken off for now) so I can't post hospital and first days pictures. But here are a few I have.

9 days old

12 days old

Daddy and his boys

Dominic is 8 days old ~ the boys are 11 months apart

Elliott sure loves his little brother

The girls just love their new "little buddy"