Sunday, April 24, 2011

Here we grow again

The Blessings of the Lord we know...
Aren't always understood below...

The Lord saw fit in His great plan...
To allow our family to grow again

His timing is perfect, it goes without saying...
The responsibility is great, so please don't stop praying

We truly appreciate your love and support...
As we raise them for our great Lord.

~ Lord willing, October 21, 2011 ~

Friday, April 8, 2011

Birthday girl

Briana turned 2 on April 8. Here she is saying one of her prayers...not absolutely clear so here's an interpretation. "God is good (left out), God is great, and we thank him for our food, in Jesus name Amen" And of course, "I want to see it" is in a good number of my videos.

~ 22 months old ~

A different pix. . .to look at

Although behind again, I am overdue to put some newer pix on ~ per special request. These are random and in no specific order. I will be updating more in the future.

Most of these pix were taken in Jan. A few were in Nov. with the girls in winter dresses.

Getting to know you!

Wanting a turn to hold Elliott

I don't know where Alayna got the idea to put her hand out in pictures, lately.

I think Elliott has outgrown this outfit ~ or maybe he just ate!

Alayna loves to give him kisses and lay next to him

It's fun to see him start noticing things ~ and reacting to it

Starting to notice his fist

We ALL need to go under the gym. Thankfully there's still enough room

So photogenic ~ Briana gives it her all!

Silly hat day!

My brownie helpers

You will tell in the video that I didn't want them to double dip the beaters back into the bowl ~ as we were making these for company. Oh well, obviously nobody died.

~ Until next time ~