Monday, August 10, 2009

Schambach Family Vacation

Yes - I am quite behind but, well...enjoy the pictures.
We really enjoyed our family vacation - to say the least.

The Whole Clan

A quick family pix on our balcony before we left

After a week of fishing, we had a huge fish fry on Friday. Jason (Scott's Brother) brought his deep fry. It was very delicious.

Alayna enjoyed the fish, but from the looks of it, was ready for a nap.

Heather, Shelby and Katlin

Cutie-Pie, Briana

Briana, Shayna and Hailey

Jason and Heather playing a duet at our Wed. eve singing

Sarah, mom, Briana and Shayna

Dad and Alayna

Shayna and Briana

The above pictures show where Briana spent most of her time while Alayna swam at the pool. No matter how much fun Alayna was having, she came by frequently to make sure Briana was okay.

Missing Katlin and Hailey

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