Monday, August 10, 2009

Schambach Family Vacation

Yes - I am quite behind but, well...enjoy the pictures.
We really enjoyed our family vacation - to say the least.

The Whole Clan

A quick family pix on our balcony before we left

After a week of fishing, we had a huge fish fry on Friday. Jason (Scott's Brother) brought his deep fry. It was very delicious.

Alayna enjoyed the fish, but from the looks of it, was ready for a nap.

Heather, Shelby and Katlin

Cutie-Pie, Briana

Briana, Shayna and Hailey

Jason and Heather playing a duet at our Wed. eve singing

Sarah, mom, Briana and Shayna

Dad and Alayna

Shayna and Briana

The above pictures show where Briana spent most of her time while Alayna swam at the pool. No matter how much fun Alayna was having, she came by frequently to make sure Briana was okay.

Missing Katlin and Hailey

Family visits

We were glad it worked out for Mark, Brenda and Laura to come visit us at the end of May. (Mark is my brother)

Laura and Alayna loved pushing each other around on this little car.
There are a few short video clips at the end to see.

Mark, Brenda and Laura

Brenda, Alayna, Briana and Me.

Mark, Laura and Briana

Alayna loved Laura's pig she brought.
However, Alayna had a hard time giving it back as it was not a gift.

Alayna and Laura read books together before bedtime.
(Thanks Laura, for sharing your pig with Alayna!)

Laura loved holding Briana

I thought it was kind of funny how Laura tells Alayna (after what seemed like a short ride) that it was her turn, and to go play with the ball!!

More updates coming soon!

Catching up!

Spring/Summer was & still is very busy for us. Way more than we thought or planned, but we wouldn't have changed it a bit. Unfortunately, my blog was put at the bottom of the list. We are thankful for all the visitors that have come our way as well as the ability to travel and visit too!

We enjoyed having 2 of my sisters come to visit us the early part of May. Joy drove out and it was a surprise having my sister Grace come with her. We really enjoyed our long weekend together.

They brought Alayna this little puppy dog that is a purse with 2 little straps. It is very cute!! It became her best friend very fast and she didn't part with it for very long. She loves dogs and watching people walk their dogs down our street. So this was the perfect gift for her.

Grace and Alayna

Hang on Briana!! Alayna holding on to her little puppy dog.

There's the puppy dog again!

Alayna with Aunt Grace

A quick family pix before church . . .

Aunt Joy with Alayna and puppy

Grace offered to put Alayna to bed. Scott told her that she says her prayers and kneels down by her bed/crib. Here's a quick shot Joy took of them. It's kind of a dark picture though.

We took a walk to the nearby playground, and as we were headed back, Briana started to cry and would not be soothed. So the next think to do was stop, drop and change (there was no other place to go). I guess she didn't like her full diaper!! It seemed to help (for a little while at least!) And of course, my sister had to take this action shot of us.

Alayna was bothered by the sun, and enjoyed wearing a sunvisor that was about 3 times her size. It seemed to help, as she didn't take it off her head.