Saturday, November 13, 2010

8 days to go...

Before baby # 3 is Due! But that might not mean anything, as I was a week over with both our girls and then induced. We'll see with this one.

It's fun to see the girls somewhat understand that there's a baby in mommy's tummy. Briana comes up to my tummy and says in a sweet little voice "hi baby" with pats on my belly or kisses. Alayna too, even more so will do the same. Briana also goes to the infant car seat we have ready and says "hi baby". They're a fun age right now, but definitely challenging ~ as with all st-ages!

Alayna told me recently, on several occasions "I love my baby" and when I asked "which one?" she says "the baby in mommy's tummy!" 99% of the time, Alayna says it's a girl. And when I asked her what her name was, she said "Moses". Hmm! Not quite the name we picked for a girl.

Not brave enough to post a pix of me at 9 months...So you'll just have to imagine how big I really am! We'll keep you posted as best as possible.