Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Pix of Alayna and Briana

These were taken the middle to end of May but still wanted to share them...

I love this one of Alayna "admiring" her little sister. She's into folding her arms a lot like that these days. She loves to rock, hug and cradle her dolly and favorite stuffed animals.

Our Chubby Cheek - 6 week

You might notice that in some pictures of Briana it looks like the little bit of hair she has is sometimes dark, or it's sometimes really light or almost blondish. I've noticed it does change when the sunlight/lights shine on her at a certain angle.

It's fun to see Briana start noticing the little birds, lights and music on her activity gym. She cried yesterday when the mobile in her crib stopped playing music, and seemed to enjoy it again when it started up.

Alayna loves being outside... She would probably stay out there all day if I let her.

I can hardly believe June is already here. Our thoughts are now towards getting ready to serve church lunch, as well as our upcoming vacation to the Ozarks with the Schambachs the later part of June, Lord willing. Also, we hope to see Dad and Mom Nenadov for a few days on our way home.
Have a Blessed Day!!